Adding the Benefits of Aromatherapy to Your Life

aromatherapyAromatherapy is becoming widely popular as an alternative treatment for infections, stress, and other health problems. You can find many lotions, candles, and beauty products that are sold as “aromatherapy”. Most of these products actually contains synthetic fragrances and don’t have the same properties as essential oils.

Aromatherapy is natural, non-invasive use of essential oils for physiological, psychological, and spiritual healing. Essentials oils are concentrated extracts taken from the roots, leaves, seeds, or blossoms of plants.  During an aromatherapy session, you may inhale the essential oils from a cloth (pillow and sheets), steam inhalations, vaporizers, or sprays. You can experience aromatherapy topically by applying diluted essentials oils during a massage.  Aromatherapy massage has been a popular way of incorporating essential oils in your life because it allows for your body to absorb the oils and breathe them in. All while enjoying the physical and emotional benefits of massage therapy.

There have been studies to identify the immunological benefits of aromatherapy massage.  Aromatherapy acts on the central nervous system and helps relieve depression and anxiety, reduce pain and stress, and promote relaxation or stimulation. Conditions for which aromatherapy may help are: anxiety, constipation, depression, digestion, headaches, insomnia, itching, memory loss, psoriasis, and stress. You should only use essentials oils under the guidance of a trained professional and with full knowledge of your physician. Some essential oils can irritate the skin or cause problems with current health complications you may have.

A good example of relaxing scent would be lavender. Lavender is known to be soothing rather than stimulating and is often associated with stress relief. This is one of the most common aromatherapy scents seen on beauty and wellness products. By contrast, scents like eucalyptus and peppermint have invigorating properties. They help improve breathing, relieve congested sinuses, and relieve head pain. Tea tree oil has also become increasingly popular due to its healing qualities on the skin.

There is a reason for aromatherapy’s surge in popularity and in our mainstream culture. You can use essentials oils in your life at home with different methods or through aromatherapy massage. The benefits of aromatherapy are both emotional and physical. If you’re curious about essential oils and adding them to your next session, feel free to contact me.

Photo credit: Nomadic Lass / CC BY-SA

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